AREAS of Expertise
Our Core Competencies Include:
Nuclear Nonproliferation/Counterproliferation
Preventing our adversaries from acquiring nuclear weapons or the materials to make them and building the capacity or our allies and partners to do the same.
Policy Support
Nonproliferation and counterproliferation policy development
Doctrine development
Planning and requirements definition
Operations Support
CONOPS development
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs)
Standards and certifications
Nuclear disablement and elimination planning
Nuclear/radiological material security and removal
Treaty monitoring and verification
Training and Exercises
International logistics support
Physical Security
Strengthening the physical protection of high consequence facilities through secuirty system design and development of response force capabilities.
Security Policy and Procedure Development
Vulnerability Assessments & Mitigation Strategies
Physical Security System Design and Operation
Response Force Composition, Equipment, and Procedures
Emergency Management
Working with our customers to develop effective emergency response policies, procedures, and plans to minimize the impact of nuclear/radiological incidents and accidents.
Incident Management Command and Control
Development of response guidelines
On scene hazard assessment
Contamination control
Personal protective measures
Equipment selection
Contaminated casualty management
Response personnel training
Media relations
Developing and delivering exceptional technical training in each of our areas of expertise.
- Vulnerability assessments & physical protection
- Health Physics/Radiation Safety
- Detection equipment selection & operations
- Nuclear materials search techniques
- Radioactive material identification
- Incident Characterization
- “Hot Line” Setup & Operations
- Decontamination techniques
- Contaminated casualty extraction
Exercise Support
Planning, developing, and executing realistic exercises that reinforce training, identify weaknesses, and provide lessons learned for our customers.
Exercise Development
Goals, Training Objectives, & Scope
Scenario Design/Resource Requirements
Master Scenario Event List (MSEL)
Exercise Execution
Exercise Controllers
Exercise Evaluators
Role Players
Lessons Learned
Training plan development
Procedure revision
Equipment recommendations